7. Althusser asked a secretary at the École normale supérieure to type out an extract from a letter written by Emmanuel Terray in which Terray comments on this paragraph in particular. While indicating his agreement with Althusser's basic argument, Terray insists that the examples Althusser gives leave something to be desired, for they can lead to confusion between a 'mode of production' and a 'sphere of production': hunting and fishing are not, in themselves, modes of production. The original letter has not been preserved.
8. Althusser is probably referring to one of his unfinished works on the union of theory and practice, which originated in a mimeographed text,still unpublished in French, dated 20 April 1965, 'TTPTF'
9. “扮演着……的角色”原文为“play the role of……”,也可以翻译成“发挥着……的作用”。——译者注
10. 原文为“left hanging in the air”,直译为“悬在空中”。——译者注
11. See, for example, Claude Levi Strauss, The Savage Mind, Chicago, 1966.p.248n:But mathematical thought at any rate reflects the free functioning of the mind [l'esprit humain], that is, the activity of the cells of the cerebral cortex,relatively emancipated from any external constraint and obeying only its own laws. As the mind too is a thing, the functioning of this thing teaches us something about the nature of things.
12. 爱因斯坦曾经把他的方法比喻成“combinatory play”。——译者注
13. 这句话英文是“as a function of……”,直译是“……作为……的函数”。——译者注