14. 法文原文“démonstration”,它受由让•卡瓦耶斯(Jean Cavaillés)带起来的“概念哲学”传统影响,见卡瓦耶斯《论逻辑与科学理论》(Sur la logique et la théorie de la science):“科学的结构就是论证(démonstration)……真正的科学从来不会抛弃被论证的东西……如果有科学,那么它就是彻底的论证,也就是说,它就是逻辑本身。”——译者注
15. ‘La démonstration de La Pensée sauvage’: La Pensée sauvage is the French title of the book that appeared in English under the title The Savage Mind.[Trans.]
16. 原文是“it's worth its weight in gold”,直译为“跟黄金一样值钱”。——译者注
17. See in particular ibid., p.22: Physics and chemistry are already striving to become qualitative again that is, to account also for secondary qualities which when they have be explained will in their turn become means of explanation. And biology may perhaps be marking time waiting for this before it can itself explain life.