Let X be a compact,differentiable manifold,and E,F be complex vector bundles over X. Let Γ(E) denote the space of smooth sections of E. A complex linear operator D:Γ(E) → Γ(F),locally can be viewed as a mapping from smooth vector-valued functions on a Euclidean space to another such space. We say that D is a differential operator if locally,it can be written as
D=∑ Aα(x)──
|α|≤k ∂xα
where α is a multiindex and Aα is a matrix-valued function defined locally on X. As one can verify,changing trivializations of the bundles leads to a similar formula.The greatest degree appearing in the formula above is independent of charts and trivializations, and is defined to be its order.
We define the principal symbol of a differential operator of order m as follows.{iᵐAα}|α|₌ₘ represents a well-defined section of (⨀ᵐTX) ⨂ Hom(E,F),where ⨀ᵐTX denotes sym-metric tensor product and locally has basis ∂|α|
The section σ is defined to be the principal symbol. Given a covector ξ=ξᵢ dxⁱ at x,we have σξ=iᵐ ∑|α|₌ₘ Aα(x)ξα:E᙮ → F᙮. We mention here that some authors might omit iᵐ,which indeed does not matter.
Definition 2 D is elliptic if ∀x,∀ξ ≠ 0 αt x,σξ is αn isomorphism. More generαlly,α chαin complex Dᵢ:Γ(Eᵢ) → Γ(Eᵢ₊₁) is elliptic if ∀x,∀ξ ≠ 0 αt x,its principαl symbols induce αn erαct sequence of fibers αt x.