We mention without proof that for an elliptic complex,all cohomology groups are finite dimentional as complex vector spaces.
Definition 3 The (αnαlyticαl) index of αn elliptic complex
0 → Γ(E₀) → · · · → Γ(Eₘ) → 0
is defined to be
In pαrticulαr the index of αn elliptic operαtor D is dimℂ(ker(D)) – dimℂ(coker(D)).
Examples of elliptic operators include the Laplace-Beltrami operator defined on s-mooth sections of the trivial line bundle,whose principal symbol σξ is multiplication by –||ξ||².We will see more examples later.
2.2 Topological index
Let π:T*X → X be the projection,and T*X₀ denote the cotangent bundle with zero section deleted.
For an elliptic operator D:Γ(E) → Γ(F),its principal symbol may be viewed as a map from π*(E)to π*(F). It restricts to an isomorphism outside the zero section,by the def-inition of elliptic operator. Thus it defines a class [π*(E),π*(F),σ(D)] ∈ K (T*X,T*X₀).
Suppose X is oriented. Recall that the Chern character gives a group homomorphism
ch:K(X) → HΠ(X;ℚ),
and also
ch:K(X,A)=ˉK(X/A) → HΠ(X,A;Q,ℚ)=ˉHΠ(X/A;ℚ).
We fix the coefficient ring ℚ and write H*(T*X,T*X₀) for HΠ(T*X,T*X₀;ℚ). Thus we have
ch:K(T*X,T*X₀) → H*(T*X,T*X₀),
and Thom isomorphism
ф:H*(X) → H*(T*X,T*X₀).
Consequently 〈ф⁻¹ch[π*(E),π*(F),σ(D)],[X]〉Xis a number. But this is not what we want.