无题:1、踏雪寻梅 中文版介绍:萍溪村的特产,是村里茶坊邀请月寒山所制,绝无仅有,因此店中存量较少,色泽澄亮,饮之绵软,味甘甜。 英文版介绍:The specialty of Pingxi Village, which is brewed by Yue Hanshan upon the invitation of the winery in the village. It's unique and there's only a few in storage. The wine is clear, soft and sweet.(翻译:萍溪村的特产,是月寒山应村里酒坊的邀请酿制的。它是独一无二的,因此店中存量较少。这酒色泽澄亮,饮之绵软,味甘甜。)
无题:2、煞香沁饮 中文版介绍:春分时,百姓取植物叶片浸泡饮用,色泽自然碧绿清透见底,叶片清晰可见古香古色。因其香味扑鼻,饮后回味无穷,故得此名。 英文版介绍:At the vernal equinox, people soak the leaves of the plants in the water and drink the green and clear tea with leaves still clearly visible on the bottom of the cup. Its name comes from its fragrance and endless scent.(翻译:春分时,人们将植物的叶子浸泡在水中,喝下杯底仍清晰可见的绿茶和清茶。它的名字来源于它的芳香和无尽的香味。