无题:3、苦露仙泉 中文版介绍:传世千年的古法所制,色泽明亮呈红褐色、味微苦。听闻饮用后有通血脉、驱寒气之效,因受修仙习武之人喜爱,老板特意从商会采买,供给天师门。 英文版介绍:Made by ancient methods passed down for thousands of years, the wine has a bright reddish-brown color and a slightly bitter taste. It is said that drinking this wine can activate blood and dispel coldness; therefore, it is loved by those who do cultivation and learn martial arts. The wine shop bought it from the Chamber of Commerce and provided it to the Tianshi Sect.(翻译:该酒采用流传数千年的古老方法酿造而成,色泽鲜红,略带苦味。据说饮此酒能有活血祛寒之效;因此深受修仙习武人士的喜爱。酒馆从商会采买,供给天师门。)
无题:九韵忘忧 中文版介绍:只能在春季制作,因所用材料需要分为九次放入,故而得名,光闻其香,便使人无法拒绝,无论是富人还是平民都很喜欢。 英文版介绍:A kind of wine which can only be brewed in the spring. It is named after the methodology of wine-making as the materials will be divided into nine portions and then be added one by one. The fragrance of this wine is so attractive that no one can resist its appeal.(翻译:一种只能在春季酿制的酒。它是以酿酒方法命名的,因为材料会被分成九份,然后逐一加入。这种酒的香味非常诱人,没有人能抗拒它的吸引力。)
无题:桂花汤/桂花酒 中文版介绍:金桂入引,清香扑鼻,听说还深受前朝某位贵妃娘娘的喜爱。如果再掺点水的话…… 英文版介绍:The wine is made of osmanthus, with refreshing scent. It's said that the wine is also loved by a concubine in the previous dynasty. If you add more water in it...(翻译:此酒以桂花为原料,清香扑鼻。据说前朝的某位妃子也很喜欢这种酒。如果你在里面多加点水的话……)
无题:6、霜华春 中文版介绍:相传原产自云州的折剑山庄,口感十分独特,在寒风腊月饮上一杯,很快全身都会暖和起来。 英文版介绍:According to legend, Zhenjiang Mountain Villa, originally from Yangzhou, is a mild liquor. After drinking a glass of it in severe winter, the whole body will warm up soon.(翻译:相传原产自扬州的镇江山庄,是一种温和的白酒。在严冬喝了一杯后,整个身体很快就会暖和起来。)