22. 参见John E. Atwell, Schopenhauer on the Character of the World (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995), chapters 3 and 4; Julian Young, Schopenhauer; Sandra Shapshay, "Poetic Intuition and the Bounds of Sense: Metaphor and Metonymy in Schopenhauer's Philosophy," European Journal of Philosophy 16 (2008), 214-16; Sandra Shapshay "The Enduring Kantian Presence in Schopenhauer's Philosophy"(见本卷第6章); Christopher Janaway, "Will and Nature," in The Cambridge Companion to Schopenhauer, edited by Christopher Janaway (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), 138-70, for a summary.
23. "Demnach ist zwar der Willensakt nur die nächste und deutlichte Erscheinung des Dinges an sich."
24. 参见前面的讨论。
25. Robert Wicks, Schopenhauer (Oxford: Blackwell, 2008), 67f. 见SW2,130-31(WWR1,134-35)和SW3,220f(WWR2,208-09)。
26. Ibid., 94.