注:如果一颗星星的大小为m,它的光亮强度为I,而Io为一个参考源的强度,那么可以得到公式I/Io = Io ^-4 (m – Mo)即4 (m – Mo) = log Io / I。换句话说,M = K log I。这是相同公式的另一个例子。致命的是,从长远来看,信息论成了人们以前含糊地称之为观察的一般而精确的认识论。
1. H. Piéron, La Sensation, guide de vie,Gallimard, 1945, pp. 331.
2. C. Brillouin, La Science et la théorie de l’information, ch.1.
3. Or more than unites of sensations; cf. the notions of neural quantum (Stevens, Morgan et Volkmann, 1941) or of neuroquantum (Piéron, 1932). Another remark: the property of additivity est enlightened in these two cases (Brillouin, p.1 ; Piéron, p. 375).
4. Would the body be initially the global integrator of a global non-knowledge?
5. Brillouin’s remark, p. 280. Also, p. 250: the law of compatible degradation with Carnot’s generalized principle can have a sense at the level of sensory information: maybe the process of habit.
6. Piéron, p. 335.
7. Ibid., 371, 376.
8. Ibid., 370, 372.
9. Brillouin, p. 59.
10. Our first translation was of an aleatory or probabilistic type. One can think that the discussions of the metaphysical characteristics of this law were dazzled by the traditional infinitesimal enunciation that one gives it.
11. The term precision has the operational definition of the inverse of compared error.