This is the freedom mathematics gives us. Not only is it a way to model our physical universe using the axioms we intuit from our daily experiences, but a way to venture into abstract mathematical universes and explore arcane geometries and laws unlike anything we can ever experience. If we ever meet aliens, axioms which seem absurd and incomprehensible to us might be everyday common sense to them. To investigate, we might start by handing them an infinitely sharp knife and a perfect ball, and see what they do.
这便是数学赋予我们的自由。 这不仅是使用我们在 日常经历中由直觉得到的公理 模拟我们的物理宇宙的一种方式, 我们还能得以漫游抽象数学宇宙, 探索神秘的几何和定律, 这样的体验是绝无仅有的。 若能遇见外星人, 这些貌似荒谬和难以理解的公理 对他们而言可能是日常常识。 若想知道,我们可以交 给他们一把无限锋利的刀 和一个完美的球, 然后拭目以待。