is elliptic. The adjoint of d + d*:ΓE₊ → TE₋ is d + d*:ΓE₋ → ΓE₊ . The analytical index is
indα(d+d*:ΓE₊ → ΓE₋)
=dimℂker(d+d*:ΓE₊ → ΓE₋) – dimℂker(d+ d*:ΓE₋ → ΓE₊)
=dimℂ(𝓡 ₊²ᵏ) – dimℂ(𝓡 ₋²ᵏ).
where the next-to-last equality is because the components of harmonic forms away from the middle-dimensional cohomology have the same dimension and so cancel. Let me explain this in detail.
We have a decomposition ∧(T* ⨂ ℂ)=E₊⨁E₋. Note that τ:∧ᵖ(T* ⨂ ℂ) → ∧⁴ᵏ⁻ᵖ(T* ⨂ ℂ). Elements of Γ(⨁²ᵏ⁻¹ ₛ₌₀ (∧ˢ(T* ⨂ ℂ) ⨁∧⁴ᵏ⁻ˢ(T* ⨂ ℂ))∩E₊) are of the form ∑²ᵏ⁻¹ₛ₌₀(αₛ+ταₛ) where αₛ ∈ Γ(∧ˢ(T* ⨂ ℂ)). For arbitrary α ∈ Γ(∧ˢ(T* ⨂ ℂ)⨁∧⁴ᵏ⁻ˢ(T* ⨂ ℂ)),0 ≤ s<2k,we have α=1
((α+τα)+(α – τα)),where τ(α+τα)=(α+τα) and τ(α–τα)= –(α–τα).
Thus for all 0 ≤ s<2k,we have a decomposition
∧ˢ(T* ⨂ ℂ) ⨁ ∧⁴ᵏ⁻ˢ(T* ⨂ ℂ)=Eˢ₊ ⨁ Eˢ₋
into eigenbundles. If α ∈ Γ(∧ˢ(T* ⨂ ℂ)),0 ≤ s s<2k satisfies α+τα ∈ ker(d+d*)=ker(Δ), since Δ preserves degree,we must have α ∈ ker(Δ) and τα ∈ ker(Δ). Thus α – τα ∈ ker(d+d*)=ker(Δ). The map α + τα ↦ α – τα and its inverse α – τα ↦ α + τα give us the desired bijective correspondence between ker(d+d*)∩Γ(Eˢ₊) and ker(d+d*)∩Γ(Eˢ₋).
Next,we continue to calculate the topological index. Again by splitting we have
ch(E₊) – ch(E₋)=∏²ᵏⱼ₌₁(eˣʲ – e⁻ˣʲ),where we split TX ⨂ ℂ=⨁²ᵏⱼ₌₁(lⱼ ⨁ ˉlⱼ),and xⱼ=c₁(lⱼ). Thus TX ≅ ⨁lᵢ implies
indₜ(d+d*)=(∏(eˣʲ – e⁻ˣʲ)