with coefficients in ∧ such that,if the variable xᵢ is assigned degree i,then each Kₙ (x₁,. . .,xₙ)is homogeneous of degree n. Given an element α ∈ AΠ with leading term 1, define a new element K(α) ∈ AΠ by the formula
K(α)=1+K₁(α₁)+K₂(α₁,α₂)+ . . .
Definition 6 These Kₙ form α multiplicαtiυe sequence if K(αb)=K(α)K(b) for αll grαded ∧-αlgebrαs A* αnd αll α,b ∈ AΠ₀(i.e.K:AΠ₀ → AΠ₀ is α group homomorphism).
Theorem 11 Giυen α formαl pοωer series f(t)=1+λ₁t+ . . . ωith coefficients in ∧,there ezists α unigue multiplicαtiυe sequence such thαt K(1+t)=f(t) for αll 1+t ∈ AΠ₀.
We omit the proof. Note that if α=(1+t₁) . . . (1+tₙ),then K(α)=f(t₁) . . . f(tₙ). tᵢ
Consequently,the Todd class ∏ᵢ ───
∈ HΠ(B∪ₙ;ℚ) is indeed given by the mul-tiplicative sequence associated to the series
where we take ∧=ℚ,AΠ=HΠ(B∪ₙ;ℚ). We may write
Td(c)=∏ td(tᵢ) ∈ HΠ(B∪ₙ;ℚ).
where c is the total Chern class and tᵢ’ s are the Chern roots.
Here you may notice somet hing strange.tᵢ is indeed in H²(B∪ₙ;ℚ) but not H¹(B∪ₙ;ℚ). To avoid this,we may replace H*(B∪ₙ;ℚ) by H²*(B∪ₙ;ℚ):= ⨁ₖ H²ᵏ(B∪ₙ;ℚ) with grad-ing given by k. We will take this for granted when considering Chern classes,and use H⁴* when considering Pontrjagin classes.
4.2 Hirzebruch signature theorem
We define the L-genus of a 4n-dimensional smooth compact oriented manifold to be