Let ℝ∞ denote the vector space consisting of those infinite sequences x=(x₁, x₂,x₃, . . .)with only finitely many nonzero coordinates. For fixed k,the subspace consisting of all x=(x₁,x₂,. . .,Xₖ,0,0,. . .) will be identified with the coordinate space ℝᵏ. The infinite Grassmann manifold Gₙ=Gₙ(ℝ∞) is the set of all n-dimensional linear sub-spaces of ℝ∞,topologized as the direct limit of the sequence Gₙ(ℝⁿ) ⊂ Gₙ(ℝⁿ⁺¹) ⊂ Gₙ(ℝⁿ⁺²) ⊂. . . . As a special case, the infinite projective space P∞=G₁(ℝ∞) is equal to the direct limit of the sequence P¹ ⊂ P² ⊂ P³ ⊂. . . .
A canonical bundle γⁿ over Gₙ is constructed, just as in the finite dimensional case,as follows. Let E(γⁿ) ⊂ Gₙ × ℝ∞ be the set of all pairs ( n-plane in ℝ∞,vector in that n-plane ),topologized as a subset of the Cartesian product. Definen π:E(γⁿ) → Gₙ by π(X,x)=X. In fact γⁿ is locally trivial,and we omit the proof.
Recall that a paracompact space is a Hausdorff space such that every open covering has a locally finite open refinement. The infinite Grassmann space is paracompact.
Lemma 4 For αny fiber bundle ξ oυer α pαrαcompαct spαce B,there erists α locαlly finite coυering of B by countably mαny open sets ∪₁,∪₂,∪₃,. . .,so thαt ξ|∪ᵢ is triυiαl for eαch i.
Theorem 3 Any ℝⁿ-bundle ξ oυer α pαrαcompαct bαse spαce αdmits α bundle mαp ξ → γⁿ.
Theorem 4 Any tωο bundle mαps ξ → γⁿ αre bundle-homotopic.