Proof.Let h:X × l → B be a homotopy from f₀ to f₁.Then f*₀(E)=h*(E)|x×{0} and similarly for f*₁(E).So without loss of generality we may replace B by X × l,and we wish to show that the time 0 and time 1 restrictions of a bundle E on X × l are isomorphic. Using compactness,one can show that there is a finite cover {U₁,. . .,Uₙ} of X so that the restriction of E to each Uᵢ × l is trivial.Let {φᵢ}ⁿ ᵢ₌₁ be a partition of unity subordinate to the cover {∪ᵢ}ⁿ ᵢ₋₁ . For each 0 ≤ j ≤ n,define Φⱼ=∑ʲᵢ₌₁ φᵢ. Thus Φ₀=0 and Φₙ = 1 on X. For simplicity,we will assume n=2,since that is enough to see the argument. Thus we have
Φ₀=0 ≤ Φ₁=φ₁ ≤ Φ₂=1
on X.For each 0 ≤ j ≤ n,we define Xⱼ ⊆ X × l to be the graph of Φⱼ.Thus X₀=X × {0} and X₂=X × {1},and each Xⱼ is homeomorphic to X νia the projection. Finally,let Eⱼ be the restriction of E to Xⱼ ≅ X. We claim that E₀ ≅ E₁ ≅ E₂. To see that E₀ ≅ E₁,recall that E is trivial on ∪₁ × l. It follows that the trivialization of E on ∪₁ restricts to trivializations φ∪₁ of E₀ and E₁ on ∪₁. Define α∪₁: (E₀)|∪₁ → (E₁) |∪₁ to be the composition
(φ∪₁)|ᴇ₀ (φ∪₁)⁻¹
(E₀)|∪₁ → F × ∪₁ → (E₁)|∪₁
Now let V₁=X–supp(φ₁). Since φ₁ is supported inside ∪₁,it follows that ∪₁∪V₁=X. Also,we have that (E₀)|ᵥ₁=(E₁)|ᵥ₁,since X₀ ∩(V₁ × l)=V₁ × {0}=X₁ ∩(V₁ × l). Now α∪₁ on (E₀)|∪₁ glues together with id on (E₀) |ᵥ₁ to give an isomorphism E₀ ≅ E₁. ▢
1.4 Principal bundles and classifying space