a. Setting W₁ ≡ ρ*(V₁) we have [W]– [W₁] ∈ ker(i*). Hence,there is a unique ele-ment χ([V₀,V₁,σ]) ∈ K(X,Y) with j*φ⁻¹χ([V₀,V₁,σ])=[W] – [W₁]. This defines the homomorphism χ:L(X,Y) → K(X,Y). ▢
In the discussion above,we are requiring that spaces are compact and CW. But this is not true even for (T*M,T*M₀),where M is a compact manifold and T*M₀;= T*M–zero section. But if we fix a Riemannian metric on T*M and consider bundles D*M,S*M ⊂ T*M with fiber unit solid balls and unit spheres, (D*M,S*M) becomes a CW-pair homotopy equivalent to (T*M,T*M₀). Th(T*M):= D*M/S*M is called the Thom spαce of that bundle.
1.7 Thom isomorphism in K-theory
Recall the Thom isomorphism theorem, stating that for an oriented real rank n bundle π:E → B,there exists a unique class u ∈ Hⁿ (E,E₀;ℤ) such that for all k,we have the Thom isomorphism ф:Hᵏ (B;ℤ) → Hⁿ⁺ᵏ (E,E₀;ℤ),x ↦(π*x)∪u.
There is a similar version in K-theory.
Theorem 9 For α compler υector bundle π:E → M oυer α compαct spαce M,ωe hαυe αn isomorphism
ψ:K(M) → K(E,E₀),α ↦ π*α · d(π*(∧*(E))).
Firstly,we explain the element d(π*(∧*(E))) ∈ K(E,E₀). Consider mappings between vector bundles over E,
фᵢ:π*(∧ⁱE) → π*(∧ⁱ⁺¹E),(ω,υ) ∈ π*(∧ⁱE) ↦ (ω,ω∧υ)
where ω ∈ E. When restricted to E₀, these mappings form an exact sequence,as is easily verified. We claim that these mappings determine a unique element d(π*(∧*(E))) ∈ K(E,E₀).