We now give another characterization of K(X, Y). Consider the collection 𝓛 (X,Y) of all triples A=(E,F,σ) where E,F are complex vector bundles over X and σ:E|ʏ → F|ʏ is an isomorphism. Two triples (E,F,σ), (E',F',σ') are said to be isomorphic if there exists bundle isomorphisms ф₁:E|ʏ → E'|ʏ,ф₂:F|ʏ → F'|ʏ such that σ'◦ ф₁=ф₂◦σ . We say that A=(E,F,σ),A'=(E',F',σ') are equivalent if ∃B,B' ∈ 𝓛 (X,Y) such that
A ⨁ B=A' ⨁ B.
Denote the set of equivalence classes [E,F,σ] by L(X,Y),and this is an abelian group under the obviously defined direct sum.
Lemma 6 There erists αn equiυαlence of functors χ:L(X,Y) → K(X,Y), such that ωhen Y=∅,[E,F,σ] ↦[E] – [F].
We only sketch a proof. Given an element [V₀,V₁,σ] ∈ L₁(X,Y) we associate to it an element χ([V₀,V₁,σ]) ∈ K(X,Y). Set Xₖ=X × {k} for k=0,1 and consider the space Z=X₀ ∪ʏ X₁ obtained from the disjoint union X₀ ∪ X₁ by identifying y × {0} with y × {1} for all y ∈ Y. The natural sequence
ⱼ* ᵢ*
0 → K(Z,X₁) → K(Z) → K(X₁) → 0
is split exact since there is an obvious retraction ρ:Z → X₁. Furthermore,there is
an isomorphism φ:K(Z,X₁) → K(X,Y). From our element [V₀,V₁,σ] we define a vector bundle W over Z by setting W[xₖ ≣ Vₖ and identifying over Y via the isomorphism