Of course,there are other ways to introduce characteristic classes,but we are not going to discuss here.
1.6 K-theory
We are assuming the connectedness of the base space so that the dimension of a vector bundle is well-defined. Let V(X) be the set of isomorphism classes of vector bundles over X. This is a semigroup under direct sum. We say that two pairs of vector bundles (E,F),(E',F') are equivalent if ∃A ∈ V(X),E ⨁ F' ⨁ A = E' ⨁ F ⨁ A. The set K(X) of equivalence classes is now a group,called the K-group. V(X) is clearly identified with a subset of K(X).
K(X) is functorial. Given f:X → Y,we have pullback f*:K(Y) → K(X). If (X,*)is a pointed space,f:* → X induces a surjection f*:K(X) → K(*)=ℤ,whose kernel is defined to be the reduced K-group ˉK(X). Both reduced and unreduced K-groups are rings with multiplication given by the tensor product.
The sequence 0 → ˉK(X) → K(X) → ℤ → 0 splits,so K(X)=ˉK(X) ⨁ ℤ.
Lemma 5 If bαse spαce X is compαct,then ∀ υector bundle E,∃F such thαt E ⨁ F is triυiαl.
Consider the map α:V(X) → ˉK(X) ⊂ K(X),E ↦ [E,dimE], where we use a mumber to denote a trivial bundle. Then α(E)=α(F) if and only if ∃ trivial bundles k,l such that E ⨁ k= F ⨁ l. We call two bundles stαbly equiυαlent if the above condition is satisfied. Also α is surjective since [E,F]=[E ⨁ A,n] for some A by the lemma. This gives another characterization of ˉK(X).
These statements are true for spaces having the homotopy type of a compact space.