(–1)ⁱc₂ᵢ(ξ ⨂ ℂ)∈ H⁴ⁱ(B;ℤ). Indeed,H*(BOₙ;ℚ) is the polynomial ring generated by the universal Pontrjagin classes p₁,. . .,pₘ where m=[n/2]. We sketch a proof. Let T ⊂ Oₙ be the maximal torus in Oₙ. ℝⁿ decomposes into 2-dimensional subspaces Uⱼ,j=1,. . .,m (and possibly one additional 1-dimensional subspace). After complexifying,each Uⱼ ⨂ ℂ decomposes into Vⱼ ⨁ ˉVⱼ . The total Chern class of the complexified bundle is ∏ⱼ(1–x²ⱼ),so the total Pontrjagin class is p=∏ⱼ(1+x²ⱼ),i.e.
ρ*:H*(BOₙ:ℚ) → H*(BT;ℚ),p↦∏(1+x²ⱼ).
It follows that H*(BOₙ:ℚ) is the subalgebra of symmetric polynomials of x²₁,. . .,x²ₘ, which gives the conclusion.
Similarly we can calculate H*(BSOₙ;ℚ), since the maximal torus in Oₙ is indeed in SOₙ. If n=2m+1 is odd,H*(BSOₙ;ℚ) is still the subalgebra of symmetric poly-nomials of x²₁,. . .,x²ₘ,i.e. the polynomial ring generated by the universal Pontrjagin classes p₁,. . .,Pₘ. But if n=2m is even,H*(BSOₙ:ℚ) is the subalgebra of symmetric polynomials generated by x²₁,. . .,x²ₘ₋₁,x₁x₂. . .xₘ. Indeed
H*(BSO₂ₘ:ℚ)=ℚ[p₁,. . .pₘ₋₁,χ]
where χ is the Euler class defined for oriented real bundles.
Let HΠ(B;ℤ) denote the collection of formal power series. Consider the expression
∑ eᵗⁱ ∈ HΠ(BTⁿ;ℚ).
It’s symmetric so it belongs to HΠ(B∪ₙ;ℚ). We define its pullback in HΠ(B;ℚ) to be the Chern character of π:E → B,denoted by ch(E). Also the pullback of
∏ ─── ∈ HΠ(BUₙ;ℚ) ⊂ HΠ(BTⁿ;ℚ)
ᵢ 1 – e⁻ᵗⁱ
is defined to be the Todd clαss.