We mention some important examples. The universal ℤ₂-bundle is S∞ → ℝP∞. The universal S¹-bundle is S∞ → ℂP∞,induced from S²ⁿ⁻¹ → ℂPⁿ.The Grassmann mani-fold Gₙ (ℝⁿ⁺ᵏ) is a quotient of Vₙ (ℝⁿ⁺ᵏ). Letting k → ∞,we get the universal GL(n,ℝ)-bundle Vₙ(ℝ∞) → Gₙ(ℝ∞). Replacing Vₙ(ℝⁿ⁺ᵏ) by the subset of all orthogonal frames
V⁰ₙ(ℝⁿ⁺ᵏ)=O(n+k)/O(k),we get the universal O(n)-bundle V⁰ₙ(ℝ∞) → Gₙ(ℝ∞).
If H ⊂ G is a subgroup. EG → BG is the universal G-bundle,then we have the universal H-bundle EG → EG/H. Since every compact Lie group can be embedded into
O(k) for some k,for compact Lie groups we know the existance of universal bundles.
1.5 Characteristic classes
We may identify a real vector bundle with its associated principal GLₙ(ℝ)-bundle, or Oₙ-bundle if a metric is provided,or SOₙ-bundle if it’s additionally orientable,and similarly for complex case.
First we define the Chern class. We have that
H*(BTⁿ;ℤ)=ℤ[t₁,. . .,tₙ].
For the inclusion ρ: BTⁿ → B∪ₙ,we have a homomorphism
ρ*:H*(B∪ₙ:ℤ) → H*(BTⁿ;ℤ).