Proof. We may assume that E is trivial when restricted to each simplex. We use induction. The result is clear on 0-skeleton. Suppose now we have F|ᴇᵏ:Eᵏ=π⁻¹(Bᵏ) → EG. For a (k +1)-simplex σ of B,F|π⁻¹(∂σ) is determined by F|∂σ×e:∂σ × e → E. Since EG is homotopically trivial,F|∂σ×e can be extended to F|σ×e,and then to F|π⁻¹(σ) by G-equivariance. ▢
Such a bundle is called the universal G-bundle,and BG is called the classifying space of G.
Also,the map defined above is determined up to homotopy. Given two homomor-phisms F₀,F₁:E → EG,consider the bundle l × E → I × G. F₀,F₁ gives a map ∂l × E → EG,so we can extend the map to l × E → EG as above.
Write P(B,G) for the collection of (isomorphism classes of) principal G-bundles over B. By the discussion above we have a surjective mapping
P(B,G) → [B,BG].
Indeed it’s bijective,and this is why BG is called the classifying space. Bijectivity is proved using covering homotopy property.
If there is another universal G-bundle E'G → B'G,there are induced maps f:BG → B'G,g:B'G → BG such that fg,gf are homotopic to identity. Thus the classifying space,if exists,is determined up to homotopy equivalence. In particular,H*(BG;R) is completely determined.