Class-forcing and hyperclass-forcing have the same status as sel-forcing within set theory.
Moreover, by restricting to set-forcing and assuming the existence of large cardinals, one
artificially avoids a real difficulty of any unbiascd scarch for new set-thcoretic axioms, that of dealing with justifiable principles that may destroy large cardinal axioms.
8 This corscrel dousloade/ iom 143 207 2.50 on Taw,27 Aug 2013 17)139 PM
All use ubin to/STK Tersand Cal tots
forcing. Also Hamkins has recently formulated a view of the multiverse,
apparently dissociating from both Woodin and the second author. What in
[11] is referred to as the multiverse is, in fact, not a collection of ZFC mod-
cls that can be gencrated from initial universes by closing under specified
procedures. Rather,the multiverse is described as the multitudeconsist-
ing of all set-thcorctic universes that have been constructed so far and may
be produced in the future, possibly including non well-founded models and
models of systems other than ZFC. The result is a heterogencous open-ended
plurality, of which no overall unified description can be given.
Nor is there consensus among set-theorists as to whether and how the
multiverse should be regarded as a context for determining questions of
truth. Hamkins' proposal of a heterogencous open-ended multiversc, for
instance, is accompanied by the twofold invitation to abandon the “dream