⁵An example of this will be given in Section 3, where the criterion of power set mapcimaliry
is modificd so as to be compatible with the criterion of ordinal maximality.
⁶See,e.g..[22] and [19] for different positions on the status of large cardinal axioms or thc
axiom of detcrminacy AD˪[ʀ] in contemporary set theory.
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an analysis of the hyperuniverse which focus exclusively on its most general
features. As a result, the principles chosen and the criteria derived from
them are expected to yield a justified selection of preferred universes on the
solc basis of onc's acquaintancc with the most basic aspects of set thcory.
A surprise is that,unbiasedness notwithstanding, the Hyperuniverse Pro-gram leads to results that strongly affect our understanding of the corpus
of already existing set-theoretic developments. This is the case, eg., if one
adopts the Inner Model Hypothesis (IMH), as formulated in [7]1, as a criterionfor preferred universes, providing a suitable description of what it means for a countable transitive modcl of ZFC to be maximal (fixing the ordinals).
This hypothesis settles many questions independent of ZFC, but also has