independent questions. Moreover the techniques needed to establish the
cxistencc of preferred universes are provided by existing developments in
set theory or by new developments inspired by the program which extend
existing developments. There is another reason, however, for the Hyperuni-verse Program to explicitly call upon set-theoretic developments, albeit in ancgative way. When declaring the intention of extending ZFC so as to settlc independent questions, one also requires that one be as nbiased as possiblc
as to the way such questions should be settled and as to which principles
and criteria for preferred universes onc should formulate. In particular, the
latter must not be chosen at the outset so as to be apt for settling questions
independent of ZFC, or for mecting the necds of some particular arca of
existing set-theoretic r should specific mathematical hypotheses
be invoked in formulating such principles and criteria (c.g., large cardinal
or forcing axioms). The rationale bchind unbiasedness is twofold. On the
one hand, one wants to be as cautious as possible as to what sct-thcoretic
developments beyond ZFC belong to the realm of de facto set-theoretic
truth.Endorsing this attitude mcans doing justice to the fact that disparate
views have been advanced within the set-theoretic community on this mat-
ter. Secondly, one aims at formulating principles and criteria starting from