modify the procedures adopted in order to integrate them with other, equally
reasonable procedures.⁵
In short, formulating de jure set-theoretic truth, which lies at thecore of theHyperuniverse Program, may be understood as the active response of a non-Platonistically minded mathematician, who believes that it makes sense to search for new truths in V beyond de facto sct-thcoretic truths. This contrasts
with any form of skepticism concerning such a search, be it motivated by
the assumption that such a scarch is hopcless or by the confidence, possibly
grounded on Platonism,that whatever the well-determined features of V
are, they will somchow manifest themsclves without any cffort of our own.
Equivalently, one may characterize the Hyperuniverse Program as a dynamic
approach to set-theoretic truth,freefrom external constraints(although
internally regulated), in contrast to any static Platonistic view that truth
conccrning scts is restricted to a fixed state of affairs to which onc must be
The stance of the advocate of the Hypcruniverse Program towards exist-
ing set-theoretic developments is both complex and surprising. Of course
thc latter cxplicitly cnter into the program insofar as onc aims at obtain- AB ing preferred universes that,beyond conforming to certain criteria and not
contradicting existing de facto set-thcoretic truth, are successful in deciding