It's better to work hard now than to worry about the future. Good morning
十四,每一天都是崭新的一天要坚强要努力要疯狂要微笑 早安
Every day is a new day. Be strong, be hard, be crazy, smile. Good morning
Smile to have every day, to be a woman as warm as a sunflower, good morning
十六,不慌不忙 安静盛大 终有一天你要的 时光都会给你 祝你也祝我 早安
Take your time, be quiet, be grand, and one day you'll have all the time you need, and wish you wishes me good morning
十七,机会属于开拓者,奇迹属于执着者 早安
The opportunity belongs to the pioneer, the miracle belongs to the persistent. Good morning
十八,一见钟情是颜值 日久生情更多的是温柔吧 早安
Love at first sight is the value of the face for a long time. It is more gentle. Good morning
十九,真诚相待 认真生活 就能找到人生的糖果 早安
Treat each other sincerely and live a serious life to find the candy of life. Good morning
二十,听说美女都早起 我是美女我先起 早安
I hear beautiful women get up early. I'm a beautiful woman. I get up first. Good morning
二十一,通往富婆之路的新一天开始了 早安
A new day begins on the road to the rich woman. Good morning