“我的言语高高飞起,我的思想滞留地下;没有思想的言语永远不会上升天界。My words soar high, but my thoughts stay underground; words without thoughts will never ascend to heaven.”
“年轻时候最爱偷情,觉得那事很有趣味;规规矩矩学做好人,在我看来毫无意义,谁料如今岁月潜移,老景催人急于星火;两腿挺直,一命归西,世上原来不曾有我。When I was young, I loved cheating the most. I thought it was very interesting. Learning to be a good person by following the rules was meaningless in my opinion. But now, the years have passed, and the old scene has made people eager for a spark. Straighten your legs, and you will die. , It turns out that I never existed in the world.”
“有的人失眠,有的人酣睡,世界就是这样循环轮转。Some people have insomnia, and some people sleep soundly. This is how the world goes around.”
“不要只因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。Don't give up on what you were originally determined to achieve just because of one setback.”
“天地之间有许多事情,是你的睿智所无法触及的。There are many things between heaven and earth that are beyond the reach of your wisdom.”
“时代已经脱节了,这是一个被诅咒的因果,而我竟是为纠正它而生!The times are out of touch, this is a cursed cause and effect, and I was born to correct it!”
“美丽可以使贞洁变成淫荡,贞洁却未必能使美丽受它自己的感化。Beauty can turn chastity into lasciviousness, but chastity may not make beauty influenced by itself.”
“我们常装出信仰的表情和虔诚的举动,却用糖衣来包裹恶魔的本性。We often put on a show of faith and acts of piety, but we sugarcoat our demonic nature.”
“我爱死了这说不清道不明的一生,我爱着人生里涌现的骄傲和低处的迷雾,我感谢我自己卑微而鲜活的存在。 - 余秀华”
“和所有以梦为马的诗人一样,我借此火得度一生的茫茫黑夜。 - 海子 《以梦为马》”