“无瑕的名誉是世间最纯粹的珍珠。A flawless reputation is the purest pearl in the world.”
“虽然权力是一头固执的熊,可是金子可以拉着它的鼻子走。Although power is a stubborn bear, gold can pull its nose away.”
“仅仅一个人独善其身,那实在是一种浪费。上天生上我们,是要把我们当作火炬,不是照亮自己,而是普照世界;因为我们的德行尚不能推及他人,那就等于没有一样。It is really a waste for just one person to take care of himself. God created us to use us as torches, not to illuminate ourselves, but to illuminate the world; because our virtues cannot be extended to others, it means there is nothing.”
“无数人的失败,都是失败于做事情不彻底,往往做到离成功只差一步就停下来。Countless people fail because they do not do things thoroughly. They often stop just one step away from success.”
“月亮永远都在,悬挂于时间长河之中。我从前一天来,要找的人是你。你往后一天去,不是我要找的人了。 - 张嘉佳 《天堂旅行团》”
“如果我爱你,而你也正巧爱我。你头发乱了的时候,我会笑笑地替你拨一拨,然后,手还留恋地在你发上多呆几秒。但是,如果我爱你,而你不巧地不爱我。你头发乱了,我只会轻轻地告诉你,你头发乱了哦。 - 村上春树”
“黄昏的天空,在我看来,像一扇窗户,一盏灯火,灯火背后的一次等待。 - 泰戈尔The dusk sky, in my opinion, looks like a window, a light, a wait behind the lights. -Tagore”
“明明知道你已为我跋涉千里,却又觉得芳草鲜美,落英缤纷,好像你我才初初相遇。 - 席慕容”
“不要指着月亮起誓,它是变化无常的,每个月都盈亏圆缺;你要是指着它起誓,也许你的爱情也像它一样的无常。Don't swear by the moon, it is fickle, waxing and waning every month; if you swear by it, maybe your love is as fickle as it.”