“时间会刺破青春表面的彩饰,会在美人的额上掘深沟浅槽;会吃掉稀世之珍!天生丽质,什么都逃不过他那横扫的镰刀Time will pierce the colorful decorations on the surface of youth, dig deep grooves and shallow grooves on the forehead of beauty, and eat up rare treasures! Naturally beautiful, nothing can escape his sweeping scythe”
“We often put on faces of faith and acts of piety, but we sugarcoat our demonic nature.我们常装出信仰的表情和虔诚的举动,却用糖衣来包裹恶魔的本性。”
“疯狂的人往往能够说出理智清醒的人所说不出来的话。Crazy people can often say things that sane people cannot.”
“一切事情都不能永远保持良好,因为过度的善反会摧毁它的本身,正像一个人因充血而死去一样。Nothing can remain good forever, for an excess of good will destroy itself, just as a man dies of congestion.”
“曾经拥有的东西失去了,并不代表就会回到原来没有那种东西的时候。 - 东野圭吾 《白夜行》Losing something you once had does not mean that you will go back to the time when you didn't have that thing. - Keigo Higashino "White Night Walk"”
“欺人的希望是一个佞人,一个食客;当死神将要温柔地替人解除生命的羁绊的时候,虚伪的希望却拉住他的手,使人在困苦之中苟延残喘Deceptive hope is a sycophant and a hanger-on; when death is about to gently remove the fetters of life for a person, false hope holds his hand and makes the person linger in misery.”
“适当的悲衰可以表示感情的深切,过度的伤心却可以证明智慧的欠缺。Appropriate sadness can express deep feelings, but excessive sadness can prove a lack of wisdom.”
“志愿不过是记忆的奴隶,总是有始无终,虎头蛇尾,像未熟些果子密布树梢,一朝红烂就会离去枝条。Willingness is just a slave of memory, always beginning but ending, like unripe fruits that are densely packed on the treetops and will leave the branches once they turn red and rotten.”