叶沫:尽量使自己的话题与前一个人接近或类似,或是用创意把话题转换到另一个完全不同的内容。在自己的词中提及或是扩充前面人说过的东西也是个非常不错的选择。当作者和他朋友一起做cipher的时候,他们喜欢谈些我们都知道的东西,比如他们的私人生活:我说:Derek’s life is tough, his job is rough,plus Suparna took all his dopest stuff,for her apartment in NYC,cause that’s where she be,holding down a job at a publishing company.Derek说:Yeah, my life is tough, but not that hard,’cause I spend all my nights watching Sponge Bob,Blake you the one with the job that sucks,asking people if they want more pepper on their halibut.或者继续举那个Eminem在电影中和Lotto对战的情景,Lotto提到了50年代的老电视剧Leave It To Beaver,而Eminem立马用电影中所有的人物角色名作为反击武器进行反击 Lotto说:Screw ‘Lotto,’ call me your leaderI feel bad I gotta murder that dude from “Leave It To Beaver” Eminem说:Ward, I think you were a little hard on the Beaver So was Eddie Haskell, Wally, and Ms. Cleaver
叶沫:第9步. 多听些经典的hip hop从中学习:那些超级饶舌巨星们知道即兴饶舌的诀窍,你得多听你最喜欢的艺人的歌曲,然后模仿他们的风格,这样你就知道他们是如何做到一些具体细节的。总之,多听多学。
叶沫:第10步. 练习:这条是根本的根本,馅饼是不会从天上掉下来的,而是要靠自己亲手去做的。你得懂得各种诀窍并灵活运用。到大街上去,每时每刻都要饶舌,不能停止练习。