95 生而破碎,活着就要修修补补
“我刚刚从孤儿院回家,英语课不及格,他给我讲第一个英语故事--- A man slaughtered a big cow, lit the grill and said to his daughter, daughter, call our relatives, friends and neighbors to eat with us. Let us feast his smart daughter took to the street and started shouting, please help us put out a fire at my dad's house.After a few moments, a small group of people came out and the rest acted like they didn't hear her cry for help.Those who came, ATE and drank until late.The stun father turned to his daughter and said to her, the people who came, I barely know them some I have never seen them before. So where are our relatives, friends and neighbors?The daughter replied her father, those who came out of their homes came to help us put out a fire in our house and not for the party. These are the ones who deserve our generosity and hospitality let me tell you this, the people you think were yours have never been yours. This is the irony of the life we live,这个故事我记忆很深”