The following day, the principal organized a gathering with all students at the school.
said, “Jackson shaved his head to back his grandpa who has been diagnosed with cancer. But someone laughed at him.”
He then asked the students to raise their hand if they’d ever known someone with cancer. Almost everyone in the room raised their hands. Hadley continued,
“It is wrong for us to judge somebody else's reaction to that, and we can do better. In standing up for Jackson and showing my support for his grandpa,
I’ve offered to let Jackson shave my head today.”Hadley then sat in a chair in front of all the students while Jackson shaved his head.
The students seemed moved. The principal ended his speech by saying: “Support each other, love each other.
We’re a family, that's why we're here. We're family—that's what we do;
.we support each other, good times and bad. I want to see more good times than bad, but I’m here either way.”
It was these touching words that all the students in the room would never forget.