她和母亲一起生活了上千年之久,久到她的母亲以成为尘世七执政。她厌倦了这种生活,她来到海边看见了一枚龙蛋,她把他带了回去。有一天蛋出现了裂缝,魔女F认为龙要破壳了等啊等,等啊等。已经过去很久了,那枚蛋还是没有孵化,就到已经忘却了时间。有一天她的母亲来找她,母亲说:“Oh, my child, you are the cleverest of my many daughters. Now my mother is going to do something, and you will guard Fontaine.”“Mom, I will.I will wait for everything until you come back.”魔女F自信的认为他可以守护好一切,但一切都不是这么简单。
那是一场灾难,魔女F正跟着他的兄弟姐妹一起抗击着魔物的入侵。可蓝色的海水入侵了水的国度,因为水而诞生,又被水为眷顾的子民却因这海水丧失掉了生命。“No, it's not me.They don't deserve to die like this.And wait for him to come back.No, no, no, everything is too bad.Why is this happening?Why?What did we do wrong?”魔女F
魔女F想到了命运说的话“Everyone in Fontaine will dissolve in the water of the sea.You are burdened with justice and sin in the distance.That must be long.”
魔女F一不留神落入了大海,突然蓝色的身影接住了。是一个小男孩。再中男孩儿抱着女孩儿一切都很唯美,女孩儿睁着大大的双色水滴异瞳,那种有棱角的脸开口道“Miss, you should pay attention.If not, I will tell you in the sea,Corrupted with this original sin.”
In this rain, this disaster they met.Maybe they shouldn't have met.They are natural enemies.Is the existence that can never be together.In the end, the mother passed away.Witch FAnd became a new mother,He ruled here with the dragon,Never change.