卡洛斯:Major general Spencer only asked me to provide weapon(史宾赛上将只有要我提供武器)
华尔兹:forget it(算了)Since I know who the target is, I don't need your help(既然我知道对象是谁也就不需要你的协助)
华尔兹:Thank you for your gun(谢谢你的枪)
卡洛斯:Major general Spencer asked me to tell him(史宾赛少将要我代为转告)
卡洛斯:He has no intention of pursuing the beginning of this continuous sniper killings(他无意追究这次连续狙击杀人事件的开端)
卡洛斯:Do everything you can to get rid of the sniper to keep the prestige of the US Army(尽你一切所能除掉那个狙击手好保住美军的威信)
华尔兹:How much does the major general know about the cause of the incident(事件的起因 少将知道多少?)
卡洛斯:I guess it's all(我猜是 全部)
华尔兹:What? How(什么 怎么会)
毛利小五郎:真是 这些人就会危言耸听
毛利薰:爸爸 姐姐刚才打电话告诉我和柯南说世良醒了过来 你要不要和我们一起去医院看看她啊