I went home that night with my head in a whirl, immense possibilities opened before me both in art and in love.
Painting is directed by the heart through the eye. Photography is directed by the mind through the eye. But desire and love for the subject directs both mediums.
在绘画中,我试图运用技巧和新的技术来跟上思维的速度, 但绘制的过程仍然落后于脑中的想法,就如它也落后于我们的感知。
In painting, with skill and new techniques, I sought to keep up with the rapidity of thought, but the execution still lags behind the mind as it does behind perception.
"Some Americans I met later shook their heads sadly, saying France was no longer the same. I pointed out that it was we who had changed during the past twenty years... I found the country just the same, with its gardens and outward aspects intact; inwardly, even, the French mentality was the same as always. It still regarded all necessities of life as luxuries, and luxuries as indispensable necessities." - Man Ray
"While some are satisfied with the effort to please, there are others who wish to surprise." - Man Ray
“We danced. Juliet was like a feather in my arms, she had studied modern dancing with MarthaGraham.” - Man Ray