葛晁瑞:第一次来到法国巴黎,西方的文艺之都,你还这么说,环境确实挺优美的,而且还有很多的古典建筑。(أول مرة جئت إلى باريس ، فرنسا ، عاصمة الأدب والفن الغربي ، كما قلت ، بيئة جميلة حقا ، وهناك العديد من المباني الكلاسيكية .)
贝拉:妈,我已经到法国巴黎了。(Mamma, sono già arrivato a Parigi, Francia。)
贝拉母亲:记得路上注意安全,如果你听不懂法语,你就学一学。(Ricordati di prestare attenzione alla sicurezza sulla strada. Se non riesci a capire il francese, imparalo.)
贝拉:好的,没问题,妈妈,都通话这么长时间了,我得挂了。(Ok, nessun problema mamma, siamo al telefono da cosi' tanto tempo che devo riagganciare.)
贝拉:唉!刚刚来到法国,我完全听不懂法语,我该如何生存啊?(Ah! Sono appena arrivato in Francia e non capisco affatto il francese.)
葛晁瑞:哇塞,居然是凯旋门之前,我只是在视频上看到过,没想到我在现实中我真的来了。(Wow, it's actually the Arc de Triomphe. I've only seen it in videos before, but I never thought I would actually come in real life.)
贝拉:前面那个男的?看上去很帅的样子,要不去问问?(L'uomo davanti? Sei molto bello, perché non vai a chiedere?)
贝拉:那个,我能不能请教一下一些问题?(Posso fare qualche domanda?)
葛晁瑞:啊?我听不懂你说的语言,不过话说回来,我们能否用中文交流呢?(Ah。 I don't understand the language you're speaking, but then again, can we communicate in Chinese?)
贝拉:我叫贝拉,来自意大利那不勒斯,我在法国出了点问题。(My name is Bella, from Naples, Italy. I had some problems in France.)
葛晁瑞:我跟你一样,我是中国人,有着约旦和伊朗血统,而我也是第一次来到法国,所以我也不会法语。(I am just like you, I am Chinese with Jordanian and Iranian heritage, and I am also coming to France for the first time, so I don't know French either.)