1.If X wants to do Y, then X has to do Z。
you want to search for pearls, then you have to dive into the
deep sea.
an ideal jobwhat you expect from future figure out"
If you want to land an ideal job, then you have to figure out what you expect from future.
2.Thanks to X, Y can do Z.
thepassage of time", unlucky people", their painful memories"
Thanks to the passage of time, unlucky people can blot out their painful memories.
3.Instead of contemplating X, sb. should be conscious of Y.
In this context, X="how to play truant”,sb.="college students like you", Y= “how to combine classroom knowledge with ideals".
Instead of contemplating how to play truant,college students like you should be conscious of how to combine classroom knowledge with ideals.
4.湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills
依山傍水surrounded by the hills on one
side and waters on the other
山清水秀 beautiful mountains and clear
风景如画 picturesque vicws
避暑胜地 summer resort
海滨度假胜地 seaside resort
古代城市遗迹 ruins of an ancient city
帝王墓 emperor's tomb
园林建筑 garden architecture
名胜古迹 scenic spots and historic sites
名山大川 famous moutains and great
历史文化遗产 places of hstoric figures
and cultural heritage
自然风景 natural scenery
城市风光 citycape