冷血杀手刘某(作者):大家还有什么建议可以跟我说,不用憋在心里。😊【Do you have any suggestions you can tell me? Don't hold them in your heart. 😊】
万能的吃瓜群众:在哪里说啊?【Where to say it?】
《致所有读友们》《To all readers》
冷血杀手刘某(作者):各位读友们,你们好。【Hello, fellow readers.】
冷血杀手刘某(作者):首先,我要声明一下:我写这部小说并不是为了赚钱,因为……【First of all, I want to make it clear: I didn't write this novel to make money, because …】
冷血杀手刘某(作者):我写这部小说的真实目的其实就是练练笔而已,也并没有大家想象的那么复杂。【The real purpose of writing this novel is actually to practice my pen, and it is not as complicated as you think.】
冷血杀手刘某(作者):因为我马上就要考本了,所以我想趁这段时间练练笔,提升一下我的水平,仅此而已!【Because I'm going to take the exam soon, I want to take this time to practice my pen and improve my level, that's all!】
冷血杀手刘某(作者):其次,如果我写的文章有任何问题,欢迎所有人指责我!但请看清楚再说话,OK?!【Secondly, if there is anything wrong with my articles, everyone is welcome to blame me! But please look carefully before you speak, OK? !】