龙套:妈妈: 你已经不能吃棒棒糖了(Mom: you can't eat lollipops anymore)
龙套:孩子:棒棒糖(Child: Lollipop)
龙套:妈妈:不能吃(Mom: No)
那个妈妈从孩子的手上一把抢过棒棒糖,而且随手将孩子的棒棒糖扔到垃圾桶里(The mother grabbed the lollipop from the child's hand and casually put the child's lollipop into the garbage can)
小黑屋内(In the little dark room)
黑魔蝶:啊,真是太美妙了(Ah, it's so wonderful)
黑魔蝶:棒棒糖被扔进垃圾桶,那么乐观也即将毁灭(Lollipops are put in the garbage can, then the view is about to be destroyed)
黑魔蝶:这真是我黑魔蝶的完美目标(This is really my perfect goal)
黑魔蝶:飞吧,我可爱的黑化碟,释放黑化能量吧(Fly, my lovely blackened disc, blackened energy)
在博物馆内出现了一只黑化蝶,正好飞进那个小孩的眼镜上里(A black butterfly appeared in the museum and just flew into the child's eyes)
黑魔蝶:糖人,我是鹰蛾,我将给你能扔超甜蜜棒棒糖的能力,惩罚那个让你伤心的女人吧(Sugar man, I'm Eagle moth. I'll give you the ability to super sweet lollipops without punishment. That makes you sad, isn't it)
龙套:孩子:让那些伤害我的人走着瞧吧!(Child, let those who hurt me walk!)