梦瑶:但要努力学着去做。因为 量大福大,在人生的路上,只有开阔自己的 胸怀,天地才会开阔;只有把自己的心量放 大,福才会大。
梦瑶:Because the quantity is great and the blessing is great, on the way of life, only by opening your mind, can the world be open; Only by enlarging one's mind can one be blessed.
梦瑶:只有他知道墨水对他意味着什么,如同白纸 永远无法理解钢笔的高贵一样,铅笔永远都 不会知道,橡皮一直在为他慢慢地消磨着自 己的生命。
梦瑶:Just as white paper can never understand the nobility of a pen, pencil will never know, and rubber has been slowly killing his life for him.
梦瑶:人生忽如寄,一转眼就已挥霍了最后的 青春。现实一点一点消磨我们的棱角,侵蚀 我们的梦想,在失落,遗憾,不甘,愤懑的 时候,想到还有你们,即使有些东西已梦瑶:Life is suddenly like a letter, and in a twinkling of an eye it has wasted its last youth. The reality wears away our edges and corners bit by bit, erodes our dreams, and when we are
梦瑶:君子简单,小人复杂;看自己简 单,看别人复杂。这个世界其实很简单,只 是人心很复杂;其实人心也很简单,只是利 益分配时很复杂。人,一简单就快乐,但快 乐的人寥寥无几。
梦瑶:People are simple when they are young, but complicated when they grow up; When you are poor, it becomes simple and complicated; When you are down and out, it is simple, but when you gain power, it is complex; A gentleman is simple, a villain is complex; Look at your own simplicity and others' complexity. In fact, the world is very simple, but people's hearts are very complex;