
1.我不能耗尽一生 换一句你的有可能。
I can't spend my whole life changing your possible.
You are not on the other side, I have to be brave.

3.我也曾对你动心过啊 只是赶路要紧 我忘了说而已。
I had a crush on you, too. I forgot to mention it.
4.原来也只是风景 你也只是陪我走那一段。
The original is only the scenery you just accompany me to go that section.

5.前面的风景很好看 我说的是别回头 就这样我们都不要回头。
I said don't look back, that's all. Let's not look back.
6.我不后悔遇见你 可也不愿再来一次了。
I'm not sorry I met you, but I don't want to do it again.

7.你假装不懂 我也故作轻松 错过就错过 人嘛 总要有点性格。
You pretend not to understand, I also pretend to be easy to miss, miss people, always have a little character.
8.就算你是最亮的那颗星 你也要从我的宇宙划走了。
Even if you were the brightest star, you'd have to row out of my universe.

9.希望你可以记住我 记住我这样活过 这样在你身边待过。
I hope you can remember me remember that I have lived this way and been around you.
10.至始至终我的手都一直这么伸着 太久了你都没放 上来 我觉得很累 手好酸 所以就缩回来了。
The whole time, I kept my hand out for too long, and you didn't put it up, and I felt tired, and my hand was sore, so I pulled it back.

11.天亮了 月亮走了 我也该回家了。
It's morning, the moon's gone, and I should go home.
12.后来听到很多人提起你的消息 我的手指再也没有抓紧也没有皱眉 而是一笑而过说跟我有什么关系。