“Very good, it seems these two share a strong bond and understand each other quite well.” 安琪老师笑容满溢。
“Next up, let's hear from the pair sitting behind Xia Lei.” 她扶了扶眼镜,目光转向后排。
“Certainly, Teacher. I'm Lu Yunjin, delighted to introduce my desk mate.” 路云锦 笑容可掬,自信满满。
“See there, Lei? Mr. Lu sure knows his desk mate like the back of his hand!” 安琪老师稍作停顿,饶有兴致地打趣道,“I hear that Lu has managed to forge a great rapport with his desk mate in no time at all!”
“Indeed! There's no one I, Lu Yunjin, can't win over.” 路云锦 傲然扬眉,一脸得意。
“Hush.” 一声冷淡的喝止突然响起,打断了他的自我夸耀。
“Erm, Teacher. My desk mate is Muyangxing, the top student in our grade. He excels at everything, although a tad aloof, yet undeniably adorable.” 忽略沐阳星 的冷言,路云锦 自顾自地继续道。
“Wait, are you kidding me, Lu Yunjin? Is it even appropriate to call Xing'er cute, being a guy and all?” 夏磊 吓得瞪大眼睛,扭头看向路云锦。
“Absolutely! The stars are already incredibly cute, alright!” 路云锦 一本正经地辩解。
“Alright then, would you kindly introduce your desk mate, Mu Yangxing?” 安琪老师适时打断这场讨论。
“Fine, Teacher. My desk mate is a naturally affable individual with a tolerable personality. Annoyingly familiar.” 沐阳星 冷漠地缓缓开口。
“Thank you for your introductions. See you all in the next class!”
“Goodbye, teacher.”