格欧费茵:Ge Fei Yin (格欧费茵):女儿,母后今天教你做点心,一定要用心噢!
(Daugher, my mother taught you dessert today. You must be careful!)
亚瑟:Arthur (亚瑟) :姐有你照看母后衣食起居,我就能放心得去完成学业了。
(My sister has looked after my mother's food and clothing, so I can finish my studies with ease.)
伊丽莎白:Elizabeth (伊丽莎白):你往香槟里下安眠药!还好我没喝,否则早已成了你刀下亡魂。
(You put sleeping pills in champagne! Fortunately, I didn't drink it, or I would have become the ghost of your sword.)
Christian:Christian (克里斯汀) :我就说她没安心,就她这样的不配为人母。
(I side she didn't have a good heart. She was not worthy of being a mother.)
Michale:Michale (米迦勒) :到现在还执迷不悟,简直无药可救。
(Up to now, I'm still stubborn. There's no remedy.)
格欧费茵:Ge Fei Yin (格欧费茵) :今日不是你死,便是我亡。伊丽莎白拿命来!
(Today is not your death, it is my death. Elizabeth, take her life!)
亚瑟:Arthur (亚瑟) :滚开,让本王子进去,里面要出大事了。
(Get out of the way. Let Prince Ben in. Something big is going on inside.)
伊丽莎白:Elizabeth (伊丽莎白):刺杀君王,是叛国罪,要我帮你权衡下利弊关系嘛!
(It's treason to assassinate the king. Let me help you balance the advantages and disadvantages.)
Christian:Christian (克里斯汀):你你你……流血了。
(You, you, you Bleeding.)
Michale:Michale (米迦勒):撑住了,先给你包扎伤口,忍着点儿。
(Hold on, bandage the wound for you first, hold back.)
格欧费茵:Ge Fei Yin (格欧费茵):你还是一副冷冰冰的样子,一点儿也没变,冷酷无情。
(You are still cold and ruthless.)
亚瑟:Arthur (亚瑟) :这算大结局了,不是,姐,我这儿有老多上好的药,你先用哪种啊!