(Long time no see. Do you miss me? Oh! No… You should hate me.)
Christian:Christian (克里斯汀) :这场王位之争,胜败在此一局,就看你了。
(It's up to you to win or lose this battle for the throne.)
Michale:Michale(米迦勒) :该来的终究还是来了。
(It's time to come after all.)
格欧费茵:Ge Fei Yin(格欧费茵):伊丽莎白你居然敢带兵回来,我还真是小瞧你了。
(Elizabeth, you dare to bring your soldiers back. I really despise you.)
亚瑟:Arthur (亚瑟) :自家人打自家人,姐、母后你们别打了,算是我求你们了。
(My family beat my family. Don't beat my sister and mother. I leg you.)
伊丽莎白:Elizbeth (伊丽莎白):如果当年你没有残忍的抛弃我,公平对待我,也不会发生今天这种事,今天的局面都是你一手造成。
(If you didn't abandon me cruelly and treat me fairly in those days, it would not happen today. Todays's situation is all caused by you.)
Christian:Christian (克里斯汀):早日今日,何必当初。
(If you hand known today, Why did you start.)
Michale:Michael (米迦勒) :收手吧!今日之事到此为止。
(Close you hands! That's all for today.)
格欧费茵:Ge Fei Yin(格欧费茵):除了王位,你想要什么我都可以给你。
(I can give you anything you want except the throne.)
亚瑟:Arthur (亚瑟) :姐姐才是当之无愧的王,我由衷地祝福她。
(Elder sister is the worthy king. I sincerely wish her the best.)
伊丽莎白:Elizbeth (伊丽莎白):我也明白的告诉你,除了王位,别的都不要。
(I also know to tell you, except for the throne, nothing else.)
Christian:Christian (克里斯汀):必竟这是你的家事,我也不好多说,告辞!
(It must be you family business. I don't say much. Goodbye!)