Alger(阿尔杰)埃及将领,率领军队全城寻找公主下落,挨家挨户搜索,“找……记住一个细微的角落都不能放过,就算把底比斯(古埃及的首都)翻个底儿朝天,也要将殿下找到。”“是。”众多将士领命,先从贵族住所开始搜,再到平民住所找,最后将底比斯翻了个底儿朝天,里外找了八九回,依旧不见殿下下落,Alger(阿尔杰)急得向热锅上的蚂蚁,在原地来回打转,“God!Where on earth are you, Your Highness? Come out soon, lf you have something long or short, how can we tell your Majesty?
Your Highness, Counsellor, please come out!Otherwise… You can't tell your majesty!”“General, you subordinates have been looking at you here for a long time . lf you wait like this, the sky well be bright. According to your subordinates, your Highness well not. We well return to the palace for fortune-telling. General, what do you say?”(将军,属下在这儿看了您老半天 ,您再这样等下去,天儿都亮了,依属下看,殿下八成不出来,咱还是回宫复命算了,将军您说呢!)“What! You're takling about it again. Ha ha… General Ben doesn't believe in this evil, and you should talk less nonsense.”(什么!你再说一遍,呵呵……本将军就不信这个邪了,还有你少说风凉话。)
Alger(阿尔杰)的这番话令这个小兵很恼火,这小兵的脾气也倔得很,非得跟将军辩辩不成,“What nonsense, Genernal, I don't like to hear you say that. You've been waiting for a long time. Your Highness hasn't seen you either. Eighey percent of them drowned in the river or were kidnapped.”(什么风凉话,将军您说这话我可不爱听了,您都等老半天了,殿下也没见出来,八成掉河里淹死或者是被绑架了。)“Tu l 'as fait!ll semberait que le general doive te reparer. Votre Altess est morte tot!Vous etes trop longtemps en colere ou…”(你成心的吧!看样子本将军得好好修理你一顿,咒殿下早死呢!你是嫌命太长还是……)“Elle a perdu une princesse, il y a tant de monde a chercher, iln 'est pas interssant de la retrouver.”(她堂堂一个公主失踪了,还得那么多人找,找不到不说,再找下去就没意思了。)