无题:古代文学没有赋予神的血液任何特殊的色彩, 因为神没有血液。 如果我们查看《伊利亚特》中狄俄墨得斯伤害阿芙罗狄蒂的参考文献 他是这么描述这个场景的: But when he had come upon her as he pursued her through the great throng, then the son of great-souled Tydeus thrust with his sharp spear and leapt upon her, and wounded the surface of her delicate hand, and forthwith through the ambrosial raiment that the Graces themselves had wrought for her the spear pierced the flesh upon the wrist above the palm and forth flowed the immortal blood of the goddess, the ichor, such as floweth in the blessed gods; for they eat not bread neither drink flaming wine, wherefore they are bloodless, and are called immortals. 神是永生的所以没有血液,只有类似的东西叫 ichor (翻译成灵液吧),灵液是金色的,金色是希腊神话中与长生不死相关的颜色(赫斯珀里得斯的苹果是金色的)。这种灵液为众神(不吃人类食物)提供不朽,但对凡人有毒。