"In spite of my resolution not to get involved again, I had at this time made the acquaintance of a beautiful young mulatto dancer, Adrienne, from the French colony of Guadeloupe. We were in love, and were received by the others in the south with open arms." -Man Ray, Self-Portrait
“我为侯爵夫人(卡萨提)拍摄的照片传遍了整个巴黎;来自上层名流圈的人们纷纷找我为他们拍照,都期待着我能够在此创造奇迹。” ——曼·雷
"The picture of the Marquise went all over Paris; sitters began coming in — people from the more exclusive circles, all expecting miracles from me." - Man Ray
“吉吉在屏风后宽衣,她走了出来,将她的手端庄地放在身前,就如安格尔的绘画《泉》中的女子一般。她的形体能够激发任何一位学院派画家的灵感。” ——曼·雷《自画像》
"Kiki undressed behind a screen... and came out, modestly holding her hand in front of her, exactly like Ingres's painting of La Source. Her body would have inspired any academic painter." - Man Ray, Self-Portrait
"Dada is a state of mind." - Man Ray
"I work on what I like, I’m free. I came to France because it is the birthplace of photography. And I love Paris: it is the friendliest city one where you have the most complete sense of freedom." - Man Ray
"I considered the painting of a picture the acme of human accomplishment; even today, the conviction still persists. At least I consider all artists as privileged and sacred beings, whatever they produce." - Man Ray
“一切都可以被光线转化、变形、湮灭。” —— 曼·雷