I will take the tenderness of the moon. And star scattered. Along the Milky way Into your dreams
Get rid of all the unhappiness during the day. Smooth your restlessness. With good hope. Fall asleep
The whole world Because it's too young. therefore. So much sadness and happiness. All appear Special depth. course. Good night
I always believe. Even in the dark night. It's going to end. And usher in the dawn. I've traveled all over the world. It wasn't until the end
Originally like a person, will run from the heart to the eyes, and then from the eyes to every corner about you, it will pump into the blood
Every time you bow your head is gentle, every smile is warm, how lucky to meet you and accompany you.
大概只是因为,一瞬间你的一颦一笑,仅此而已,我便毫无犹豫的赌上了,悸动 心跳 狂喜与暗自决定。
Maybe it's just because, for a moment, your frown and smile, that's all, I'm not hesitant to bet, throbbing, heart beating, ecstasy and secretly decidi
Do you know why the heart word is three points? because Love you a little more, miss you a little more, pet you a little more.