何必呢,你读书的方法有问题。我来带你读,看好,第一章的标题是“Justice as fairness”,可以提炼出两个概念“justice”“fairness”。好的,读第一章的第一件事清楚了,作者是如何刻画这两个概念的,也就是说这两个概念的定义/definition是什么。如果想要慢慢看那就一页页读,如果你比较急或者像我一样之前已经看过,只想快速过一遍提取观点,那么打开搜索栏输入"justice",一边查找一边都上下文。然后你就会看到在1999 revised edition的第5页,作者这样说道:
Those who hold different conceptions of justice can, then, still agree that institutions are just when no arbitrary distinctions are made between persons in the assigning of basic rights and duties and when the rules determine a proper balance between competing claims to the advantages of social life.
这里又是两个新概念"basic rights"和"proper balance",继续搜索这两项,你会发现basic rights总共提及了28次,其中第一章之内有9次,proper balance提及了3次,全部都在第一章,先到第一章的12次之内去寻找这两个概念的定义,如果没有你就要抱起一颗质疑的心,带着对作者为什么不清楚定义专著核心概念的问题,再到这剩下19处里面去找这两个概念的定义,然后你就会惊讶地看到,你找到的要么是就在前段下一句这样的
Men can agree to this description of just institutions since the notions of an arbitrary distinction and of a proper balance, which are included in the concept of justice, are left open for each to interpret according to the principles of justice that he accepts.
先说Justice是由Proper balance+...构建而成,紧接着说Proper balance已经包含于Justice之中,这里带一些恶意的话你可以说是疑似循环论证,或放他一马,认为是基本等于什么都没说。
So while the distinctive role of conceptions of justice is to specifybasic rights and duties and to determine the appropriate distributive shares, the way in which a conception does this is bound to affect the problems of efficiency, coordination, and stability.