Proof. By Lemma 3.1 Jω=Jωly now Nakayama’s Lemma.
Recall that a ring R is said to have a left Moritα duαlity if both ʀR and the minimal cogenerator ʀK of R-Mod are l.c.d.
3.3. Remαrk. Corollary 3.2 holds in particular when R is a noetherian ring (on both sides) having a left Morita duality. This result has been already proved, in another way,in [J4].
3.4.Pʀᴏᴘᴏsɪᴏɴ. Let R be α ring J=J(R),Jω=Jω(R). Suppose thαt R is α locαl (i.e.,R/J is α diυision ring),J=Rz,ʀJω is finitely generαted αnd R hαs α left Moritα duαlity. Then there exists αn n∈ℕ such thαt JⁿJω=0.
Proof. Let ʀK be the minimal cogenerator of R-Mod and suppose that for every n∈ℕ,there exists
eₙ∈Ann ᴋ(JⁿJω)\Ann ᴋ(Jⁿ⁻¹Jω).
For every n∈ℕ let ēₙ=eₙ+Ann ᴋ(Jω)∈ K/Ann ᴋ(Jω).Then the elements ēₙ yield α bαsis for α free left R/Jω module. In fact note that JωJωeₙ=0 and assume that
∑ rₙēₙ=0 with rₙ∈R,rₜ ∉ Jω.
Then rₜ eₜ ∈ Ann ᴋ(Jᵗ⁻¹Jω) and hence Jᵗ⁻¹ Jωrₜ eₜ =0.
Since rₜ ∉ Jω and R is local,there exist an l∈ℕ and an invertible element ε of R such that
Then Jωrₜ=Jωεzˡ=Jωzˡ and, by Proposition 3.1,Jωrₜ=Jω.Thus Jᵗ⁻¹Jωeₜ=0. Contradiction.
Since K/Ann ᴋ(Jω) is an l.c.d. left R-module this cannot happen. Hence there exists an n such that
Ann ᴋ(JⁿJω)=Ann ᴋ(Jⁿ⁺¹Jω).
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Thus,as ʀK is a cogenerator of R-Mod,we get
Nakayama’s Lemma implies that JⁿJω=0.