contemporary sct theory,and which is faithfully represented by the hype-
runiverse. Due to the downward Lōwenheim-Skolem theorem, members
of the hyperuniverse are candidates for conveying first-orderinformation
about V.Being confronted with a bewildering number of different options
is a situation which we are familiar with not only in contemporary set theory.
A behavior which we naturally adopt in such a situation is the following:we
analyze what the possibilities are, choose among them those that under jus-tified criteria look better than others (hence could be privileged on a priori
grounds), and decide in favour of these. This is exactly what one does in the
Hyperuniverse Program. In one's scarch for new truths of IV one starts from
the hyperuniverse, which most faithfully reflects the possible pictures of the
set-thcoretic universe. As one is not content with the hyperuniverse as an
ultimate, non-transcendable context, one is led to the program described by
desiderata 2 and 3, which amounts to singling out members of the hyperuni-
verse that possess optimal meta-mathematical properties (i.e.,those which
obey the criteria for preferred universes), so as to decide in favour of them
for the purpose of enriching the realm of truth in V. The strategy of the
Hyperuniverse Program is thus perfectly reasonable in light of its aims.
Let us emphasize that there is per se no guarantee that the criteria which we