It is by invoking the criterion of success as contributing to a decision about
the truth of a candidate for an axiom for set theory that the way is opened in
² By “small large cardinals" are here meant large cardinals whose existence is compatible
with the axiom of constructibility V = L.Gödel pronounces on one of them.the axiom
stating the existence of an inaccessible cardinal,as follows:
The simplest of thesc "strong axioms of infinity" asscrts the cxistence of inac-
cessible numbers (and of oumbers inaccessiblc in the stronger sensc)>ℵ₀. The
lutter axiom, roughly ans nothing else but that the totality of sets
obtainable by exclusive use of the procedure of formation of sets expressed in the
other axioms forms again a set (and therefore a new basis for further applications
of these processes). ([9], p.182)
The axiom stating the existence of a measurable cardinal, as well as its incompatibility with the
axiom of constructibility, was known to Gödel as he wrote [10].However, Gödel apparently
did not consider this axiom as implied by the coacept of set (see[10], footaote 16).
3 Thhs cosecnd dowaliouded Wam on Tae.27 Aog 2013 17 31:39 PM
All use subject to ISTUK Tesand Cαnd lons
[9] for bringing considerations of a purely mathematical character into the
discussion of proposals for new axioms. The success of an axiom is meant to